Nadya Suleman: Octomom Living In Squalor, Could Soon Be Homeless | Huffing Post International

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Nadya Suleman: Octomom Living In Squalor, Could Soon Be Homeless

Nadya Suleman: Octomom Living In Squalor, Could Soon Be Homeless
Nadya Suleman and her 14 kids might have to find a new place for Santa to come down the chimney this Christmas.
The woman known as Octomom may soon be out on the street, facing eviction from the rundown property where she lives with her ten sons and four daughters. Reports say that the family has left the property in shambles, with eight children crammed into bunk beds in a room where wind comes in from a smashed window.
Nadya Suleman rose to national fame in 2009 when she gave birth to octuplets, earning her the nickname Octomom. Since then she had generated much controversy, including an eviction from her last home and allegations of welfare fraud.
Suleman and her 14 children are now living in a former halfway house that had been owned by Tim Chapman, who also owns a rehab center where Nadya did a stint. But after letting Octomom live in the home rent-free, Chapman decided to sell it to Lana El-Jor, who wants Nadya and her children out.
“I have had problems refinancing the building myself because of her,” El-Jor said. “That’s one of the things why we have to ask her to leave. The bank refused to support the loan. She is said to have left her houses abused and everything and it worried the bank.”
Lana added that Nadya appears to be neglecting her kids.
“It was very messy. Let’s say they’re not as happy as my kids,” she said. “Fourteen kids need a bigger backyard for sure. I saw they had four bunk beds. I think those were for the little ones. And they had beds in all the other rooms.”
A neighbor said that the kids remained locked inside the house for most of the day, with neither Nadya Suleman nor her nanny taking them outside. The neighbor added that for the 14 kids, “it doesn’t look like a happy existence.”
Earlier this year, Nadya Suleman came under investigation by the Los Angeles County Dept. of Welfare Fraud Prevention and Investigation after applying for welfare benefits in 2012 despite the fact that she earned as much as $200,000.

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