Ebola scare: Passengers entering the U.S. from West Africa will now be tested | Huffing Post International

Sunday 12 October 2014

Ebola scare: Passengers entering the U.S. from West Africa will now be tested

Amounting fears from the deadly virus have reached the U.S.: following the death of an American citizen this week, authorities at the JFK Airport in New York will start checking passengers coming from West Africa countries for symptoms of infection

Oct 11, 2014, 08:35PM | Ran Archy
Passengers coming from West Africa will be tested
Passengers coming from West Africa will be tested Photography: Reuters
Passengers coming from West Africa are under close watch: starting today (Saturday) American health authorities will run thorough checks among passengers coming from West Africa countries – following the fear of the spread of the deadly Ebola virus that had already claimed the lives of thousands in Sierra Leon, Liberia and Guinea.
As part of the examination process – that will start today at JFK Airport in New York - American health authorities personal will check the passengers using special devices that monitor body temperature. In addition, they will ask passengers to complete a questionnaire drafted by the AmericanCenter for Disease Control, where they will be requested to provide detailed information about their activities in West Africa.
The first American citizen that died from the disease
The first American citizen that died from the disease Photography: AP
The U.S. has started the examination process after the first American citizen, Thomas Eric Duncan, died three days ago from the disease in a hospital in Dallas, Texas.

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