'Me & Dog' Children's Book Written by Atheist in Response to 'Heaven Is for Real;' Author Alludes to 'Brainwashing' Kids to Doubt God's Existence
By Sami K. Martin , Christian Post Reporter
October 20, 2014|2:20 pm
The cover of 'Me & Dog'
"Depending on how you choose to read it, 'Me & Dog' is either: 1. A sweet little book about a boy who goes on a walk with his dog, and accidentally steps on the dog's tail, and the dog apologizes because it has an adorable, fundamental misunderstanding about the nature of existence; or 2. An insidious, deviant little parable brainwashing vulnerable innocents into doubting the existence of God," author Gene Weingarten wrote for the Washington Post.
Weingarten, with the assistance of Eric Shansby, wrote Me & Dog to counter the immense popularity of Heaven Is for Real, which tells the story of a pastor's son who believes he died, went to Heaven, and lived to tell the tale. The Christian book, originally written for adults, was such a best-seller that it was adapted for all ages and even turned into a movie. It reached No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list in 2010 and stayed there for 10 weeks.
While Heaven is for Real was counted as a success by most, Weingarten called the book "a foul load of phony, credulous, opportunistic crap by a pastor named Todd Burpo, whose son almost died on the operating table and allegedly came back claiming to have met Jesus in heaven."
Me & Dog has become popular in its own right as the book has been featured on NPR and Slate. Me & Dog, as well as Heaven Is for Real, are both available online and in book stores.
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