Man who killed Purdue student found dead in prison cell | Huffing Post International

Friday 31 October 2014

Man who killed Purdue student found dead in prison cell

Man who killed Purdue student found dead in prison cell

By Amy Burke. CREATED Oct 29, 2014 Cody Cousins has been found dead in in Indiana prison of an apparent suicide.
Cousins was recently sentenced to 65 years in prison for killing fellow Purdue University student Andrew Boldt in January.
According to the Indiana State Prison, Cousins was found unresponsive in his single cell during a routine security check at 8:55 p.m. Tuesday.
Officials said the 24-year-old had self-inflicted lacerations to his neck and both arms.
He was pronounced dead at 9:20 p.m.
Cousins arrived at the Indiana State Prison on October 23. His estimated released date was July 22, 2046.
He had been convicted of shooting and stabbing Boldt inside the electrical engineering building on the Purdue campus. Boldt had been working as a teaching assistant in the lab there.
Amy Burke

Amy Burke

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Amy Burke joined TODAY'S TMJ4 as an Interactive Web Editor in December 2013. She was born and raised in Naperville, Illinois and majored in journalism at Indiana University.


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