Georgian-British singer finds spider living in ear | Huffing Post International

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Georgian-British singer finds spider living in ear

Photo: Image by � Toby Melville / Reuters

Georgian-British singer finds spider living in ear

By Julianne Cassidy. CREATED Nov 3, 2014
Georgian-British singer Katie Melua has officially proved that ... yes, a spider can live in your ear. Oh, and there's video.
Melua shares on Instagram that she had a "rustling" in her ear for "a week" and went to the doctor.
She further explains that she had previously used an old pair of in-ear monitors during a recent flight, and that the spider must have been in them.
Melua claims on Instagram, "[The spider] It was no hassle at all, apart from the occasional shuffling noises."
The artist took the spider home -- after it was removed via a micro-vacuum -- and set it free in her garden.
"Her spokesperson said: 'The ear specialist said he'd never in his career taken out a live bug before. Plenty of dead ones. When it was out, it was pretty tiny,'" BBC News reports.
Julianne Cassidy

Julianne Cassidy

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A city girl gone country, Julianne Cassidy is a newly Nashville-based entertainment journalist from Philadelphia.


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