Does David Cameron want to ban Snapchat? | Huffing Post International

Monday 12 January 2015

Does David Cameron want to ban Snapchat?

David Cameron today said that he does not want a form of communication which can't be accessed and read by the government.

The charm of Snapchat is that once you send it, and it's opened, it is then deleted.
You can send unflattering selfies and nude pictures until your heart's content, in the knowledge that unless someone screenshots it, it will soon be deleted.
But will David Cameron's wishes extend to the popular app?
We think it will. On Snapchat's FAQs they state that once a picture or message is sent from someone’s phone, it is deleted from its server.
This means that it is gone forever, unless a lot of effort is used to recover the lost data. Snapchat warned users not to send anything you want lost forever, as it is sometimes possible to retrieve lost or deleted data.
However, even if the government wanted to access your Snapchats, it's hardly like intercepting your mail or telephone calls, or looking through your texts and emails where the data is there.
They would have to go to considerable effort to even have a chance - and to perhaps even look through the data from the American servers, which opens a whole other can of worms.
If receiving your lost selfies is possible at all, it's certainly far more difficult for the government to access than listening in to peoples' phone calls.
David Cameron said that he does not want to allow a means of communication between people that the government cannot read.
This could mean curtains for Snapchat in the UK, which is used by over 100 million people worldwide.
Perhaps David Cameron is simply out of touch with modern technology and media - he recently asked what Buzzfeed was .
We wonder if he's ever sent a Snapchat.

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