France Terror: Police And Army Deployed

France has deployed nearly 5,000 police to protect Jewish schools and mobilised thousands more security forces in the wake of the terror attacks in Paris.
Addressing parents of a Jewish school south of the capital, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said soldiers would also be posted as reinforcements at the country's 717 Jewish schools.
France is also mobilising a further 10,000 members of the security forces to protect other sensitive sites, a deployment which will begin on Tuesday.
It comes as the country's Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, said that one of the three gunmen who killed 17 people in the capital "undoubtedly" had an accomplice and vowed to continue the hunt.
Amedy Coulibaly, who killed a policewoman and then four Jewish shoppers at a kosher supermarket, likely received help from someone else, Mr Valls said, pledging "the hunt will go on".
Mr Valls said the search is urgent because "the threat is still present", and he added in an interview with BFM television that France is at war against "terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islam".
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has visited the supermarket to pay tribute to the victims.
President Francois Hollande held a crisis meeting with cabinet ministers to discuss security measures after the attacks raised questions for the country's intelligence service.
Brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi - who attacked the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and were eventually killed at a printing works north of Paris - and Coulibaly all had a history of extremism and were known to French intelligence.
Video has emerged of Coulibaly defending the attacks and pledging allegiance to Islamic State .
Police want to find the person who shot and posted the video, in which Coulibaly said the bloodshed was "well deserved".
The hunt is also continuing for Coulibaly's partner, 26-year-old Hayat Boumeddiene, but Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said she crossed into Syria from the country on 8 January.
She arrived in an Istanbul airport on 2 January from Madrid, before the attacks, and stayed in a hotel.
On Sunday, Mr Hollande joined Mr Netanyahu on a visit to a synagogue as authorities sought to reassure France's Jewish population, the largest in Europe, that it is safe to stay in the wake of the attacks.
About 7,000 of France's 500,000 Jews emigrated to Israel last year, amid concerns for their safety and the state of the economy.
Yohan Cohen, one of the hostages who survived the supermarket siege, told Israel's Channel 10 TV on Saturday that he will now move his family to Israel.
Mr Netanyahu said at the weekend that the bodies of the four victims of the siege will be buried in Israel at the request of their families.
A funeral has been tentatively set for Tuesday.
Israeli media has reported that France asked Mr Netanyahu to stay away from the solidarity march, but he ignored the request.
The reports said the same request was conveyed to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in a bid to avoid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict overshadowing the event.
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